
The Woods: Ch 2

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Ch 2

Adrain was startled by the sudden appearance of a young woman about his own age in the forest. Her sudden appearance was strange and mysterious. There was not suppose to be any humans in these woods. But then again thought Adrain I am not suppose to be in these woods. In fact Adrain had snuck out of the village and gone exploring. Even though no one back at the village would be happy with him if they found out where he went. Leaving the village and traveling to the world of the humans, even just to a forest with no on in it, was forbidden.
Adrain could not believe it the girl was still standing there looking at him. Unable to do anything else he just stared back at her. She had the same brown hair with a tint of red in it as he did. But her eyes were a different color then his. They were a stunning shade of blue grey with flecks of gold thrown in around the iris. The strange thing Adrain noticed about her was not her appearance but her clothes. Her clothes were very different then anything Adrain had ever seen. She was wearing a pair of strange textured blue pants. This was strange because he had never seen any pants like this. Also women were suppose to wear dresses or skirts unless they were part of a elite force of hunters.
Adrain suddenly felt he had spent too much time with a human staring strait at him. So gathering his strength Adrain ran as quick as he was able, to any human it would appear as if he flew or as if he just vanished. Adrain had effectively left the strange human girl behind staring at an empty space in the path. Adrain had to get back to the village before anyone had noticed he was missing. If he was gone any longer someone would come looking for him, if they did he would have some answering to do and it would not be pleasant. So he continued to sprint through the forest even though he had left the girl behind. He ran and ran until he ran smack dab into an old friend.
Mortimer was picking himself off the fern filled ground after his collision with Adrain. From the expression on his face Adrain new he had overstayed his welcome in the woods outside of the village. Now all that was left for him to do was to face the consequences.
"What are you doing out here?! Everyone has been looking for you! And please don't give me that look just get up and come on we are going back to the village NOW!" there was a hint of authority in his voice as he spoke to Adrain.
Mortimer was Adrain's best friend. It was an unlikely match due the fact that Mortimer was the son of a village elder while Adrain was only the son of a craftsman. They had met each other when they were young. Adrain had been looking for a place to hide in a game of hide and find when he stumbled into Elder Halmen's yard. There he first met Mortimer. They had been inseparable ever since then. Where ever Adrain went Mortimer usually followed and vice versa.  Mortimer looked something like Adrain he had the same impossible green blue eyes and fair skin. But his hair was a brilliant shade of red. While Adrain could only be called hansom Mortimer was the most gorgeous unmarried man in the village. One look alone would make any girl in the village swoon.
Adrain and Mortimer made there way back to the village. It was no problem for them to find the hidden door in the wall of vines. They could have found it even if they were blind. They could have found it on pure instinct. They then shrank and flew threw the keyhole returning to there normal size. In the human world outside of the village the boys, who were both about average height, looked about five foot. They grew taller in the human world as a disguise so they would not be bothered when they ran into a human. Normally they would appear much smaller then this if not for the disguise.
I didn't know this yet but Adrian and Mortimer were different. They were what we call Farie or the Good People. Most people believed there race died out years and years ago or that they never existed to begin with. I now know differently. The Good people lived alone in hidden villages in the woods where no humans would discover or bother them ever again. The Good people were weary of the human race and didn't want them near them.  
The village looked like a normal eighteenth century village. There were small brick cottages with green vines traveling up the sides of some houses. The houses came in a variety of shades from yellow to red to brown. The houses had sturdy thatched roofs on them. Most of the houses were nestled in-between the surrounding trees. They all had small fences of either wood, stone or bushes. To outsiders the village would look out of place but to Adrain and Mortimer it was home.
The people of the village looked similar to both Adrain and Mortimer. Some had darker or lighter shades of brown, red and orange hair and they all had almost the same shade of eyes and pale skin. The people of the village were dressed in clothes similar to Adrain's. The two boys made there way down the main street when the came to a brown brick house. Adrain opened the white wood gate and walked up to the door Mortimer trailing behind him. When Adrain opened the door all eyes were on him his mother, father, grandfather and Elder Halmen. Then the room burst into utter chaos.
"Where were you?! We were so worried we had to have Mortimer go out looking for you. You had us all so worried sick! What if something happened to you?!" Screamed Adrain's hysterical mother Mina.
"Well I was taking a walk in the woods on the outskirts of the village. I was just heading back when I ran into Mortimer." Replied Adrain trying not to lie too much to his family.
"You should have told someone! We were worried you had gone outside the wall." Replied Adrain's father Dean because Mina could no longer talk due to her hysterics.
After a short scolding and lecture about not traveling outside the wall. Adrain retired to his bedroom after both the scolding and the lecture was done. It was only mid morning and yet Adrain had nothing to do. He did not want to go outside. There were too many noisy neighbors who would be asking questions. So instead Adrain just sat there in his room thinking. He picked up a small puzzle of interlocking rings. The point of it was to untangle the rings. The puzzle kept Adrain's hands busy but not his mind.
He thought about the mysterious girl he encountered in the woods. She was so different they anyone he had ever seen. She filled his thoughts all day. When the sun was once again setting Adrain had finished his puzzle. He had also made a bold decision. He would go and see her again.
Adrain quietly snuck out of his window and out of the village. Most everyone in the village was inside or asleep so Adrain did not come across anyone on his way to the wall. He then spirited through the door and into the woods of the human world. As he walked through the moonlit forest he noticed something small and glittering on the ground. It was a blue green tear shaped gem similar to the ones he had seen girls wearing in the village. The gem hung on a necklace of spun gold. This necklace defiantly was made by the Good People. As Adrain continued on his thoughts were filled with the girl and the necklace he had found.
This is the second chapter of The Woods.... I really enjoy working on this story... it is the only story I have successfully worked on in second person and I know the whole story about what is going to happen.
So if ya don't know The Good People are suppose to be like Irish faerie people like Leprechauns and such this is my own take on them using some knowledge from my friend Mary and some of my own ideas

I hope you all enjoy it and enjoy :wave: THANK YOU!!
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